Multichannel Sales with Shopify

Expand your online business with Shopify Sales Channels!

Multichannel selling means making your products available to customers via more than one outlet.

As consumer behavior evolves, multichannel is more important than ever. Merchants can no longer afford to focus their efforts only on their online store.

Marketplaces attract huge numbers of customers and the sales account for 50% of global online retail sales.

Amazon alone is estimated to be responsible for 44% percent of US e-commerce sales in 2017. Same happens to other big players and the trend in 2018 is to see an increase of marketplaces share in global online sales.

Retailers who don’t keep up, risk missing out on the opportunity to capture additional sales.

Sales Channels on Shopify Pie

With so many websites and platforms offering to sell your products, getting started can feel pretty overwhelming. From Amazon to eBay, to Etsy, Facebook and Instagram, there are innumerable opportunities to explore.

Shopify offers many sales channels that merchants can use to sell products, reach more customers and help grow their businesses.

These are not the only marketplace integrations available on Shopify. You can find more sales channels here.

Not all channels might be the right one for you, so choose the one that matches your business!

Make Shopify the HUB of your online business

The success in multichannel selling lies in being where your customers are. It is estimated that 82% of consumers conduct online research before making a purchase — be the source for that research.

But what happens when you are selling on 3, 4 or more channels? Managing each marketplace on its own becomes a daunting task.

This is where Shopify comes to the rescue, by connecting each sales channel to Shopify, you can keep track of your products, orders, and customers in one place - a real time-saver.

Each sales channel has a dashboard where you can see a detailed summary of the channel's recent sales and traffic. You can see how a particular sales channel is performing by selecting it from the drop-down menu on your Shopify Home.

Make sure that you review the terms of use for new sales channels before you start using them. Some sales channels require or prohibit certain information in your product listings, and some require you to ship your customers' orders within a specific number of days.

Also, when you add a new sales channel in Shopify, all of your existing products are automatically available to the channel. If you don't want a product to sell on a particular channel, then you need to remove the channel from the product's availability. To learn more about product availability, see Make products available on your sales channels.

Do you want to know which sales channel works for you? Contact us!

Sales Channels dashboard on Shopify home